I’ve got some exciting news!
With everything in our world seeming off-kilter at the moment, I’m making it my personal mission to brighten your week by giving you free resources and weekly challenges that we can do together, in order to make the best use of the extra time we’re having to spend indoors. For the next 5-6 weeks, we’ll be getting organised around the home, with our finances, with our goal-setting and so much more. And the best part? We’ll be doing it together! Because community is so important at times like this, and we may have to be isolated, but we should never be detached.
Introducing: the Crossbow Printables Weekly Homework Club: weekly challenges sent straight to your inbox for the next 6 weeks, with freebies and tutorials.
All you have to do to be part of the Homework Club is sign up to my mailing list at the bottom of this page.
Excited to get started? Me too!
Our task this week is to start a Spring Clearout to get our homes de-cluttered, cleaned and feeling peaceful, and I’ve created a free printable that will guide you through the process. This week, we’ll be working through the first two sections on the printable – the Kitchen and Bedroom areas. Be sure to follow along on my Instagram account, @crossbowplannerco, for tips on how to use the planner and to follow along my progress as I use the insert myself throughout the week. And most importantly, if you’re getting your weekly homework done, be sure to share it by tagging #crossbowweeklyhomework so that we really can stand together as a community against this isolation! I’ll be sharing some of your images on next week’s Weekly Homework Club email.
Jordan x
Enjoy your free planner printable!
Please note that the download may not work on some mobile devices.